York U professors receive grant to advance safe sport environments

Professors Lyndsay Hayhurst and Rebecca Bassett-Gunter from York University’s School of Kinesiology & Health Science have received funding from the Abuse-Free Sport Research Grant Program, created by the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, dedicated to preventing abuse and improving the culture of youth sport across Canada.
The Abuse-Free Sport Research Grant Program invests in safe sport research to improve the development of effective policies, processes and practices related to sport experiences throughout Canada. The grant received by Hayhurst, valued at close to C$90,000 over three years, will fund a youth participatory action research project with two key youth community organizational partners: NUTMEG (Not-for-profit United Team of Mentors Educators and Grassroots Coaches) Soccer in Toronto and Prezdential Basketball in Ottawa. Link to article can be found here.