Are you experiencing abuse? You are not alone.
Our Confidential Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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Protect your privacy and stay safe while using our website. If possible, visit our site on a friend’s mobile device, or from a public computer at a local library. If you are at home, clear your browser cache on your desktop computer, or close the browser window on your mobile device to delete traces of our site.
We provide Second Stage Housing (longer-term housing after leaving abuse), and non-judgmental counselling that is inclusive, culturally safe, and supportive of your choices.
Our values:
- Equality, Respect and Choice
- Feminism and Empowerment
- Excellence, Leadership and Collaboration
- Integrity, Accountability and Transparency
All our counselling services are free and confidential. We advocate on behalf of women and children and educate the public about the issues concerning women who have experienced domestic violence.

Our Services
Individual and group counselling and support
Emergency transportation to shelter
Second Stage Housing
Accompaniment to meetings and court
Advocacy and referrals to other agencies
Information about your options
Transitional and housing support
Outreach counselling in Prince Edward County
Public education programs
You are not alone.
You deserve to be safe.
Our Confidential Crisis Line is available every day, 24 hours a day
Tell someone you trust, document what happened, and seek medical attention for any injuries.