Violence against Disabled women and girls increasing on transport

Figures from the British Transport Police show the number of crimes against women and girls has risen to 11,357 in 2024 from 7,561 in 2021. The number of sexual offences rose by 10% over the same period, whilst sexual harassment reports doubled to 1,908.

Harrassment such as leering, catcalling, touching, pressing, upskirting or indecent exposure is all the more likely to be experienced if you experience misogyny, and are Disabled. Disabled women and girls are at even more risk, however 51% of victims stated that other rail passengers did intervene to try to help. ‘The message to the travelling public is to watch out and stand up for each other’ – often bystander intervention is the quickest and most effective way to prevent further harm or escalation. Link to article can be found here.