Land Acknowledgment

We wish to acknowledge this land on which Alternatives for Women operates. We sit on the traditional land of the Haudenosaunee, Anishnabe and Huron-Wendat people who have taken care of this land for thousands of years. We recognize and deeply appreciate their historic and ongoing connection to the land. We are thankful to be able to work and live in this area. We use this land acknowledgement to recognize our own responsibility in dismantling colonialism.

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

We also need to acknowledge the lasting impact of colonialism and Indigenous erasure on Indigenous women and girls. The Native Women’s Association of Canada estimates that over 4,000 Indigenous women and girls have been murdered or have gone missing over the past three decades. They are also killed at nearly 7 times the rate of non-Indigenous women. Understanding how our colonial past and present play into ongoing violence against Indigenous women and girls is important to acknowledge towards working to end colonialism in the present.

Education is of utmost importance when understanding the impact of colonialism on Indigenous women and girls. We have provided suggested organizations and resources for continued learning below.